Monday, May 1, 2017

APES Exam and Extra Work Shifts

So this day is a little off topic to my senior project, but it I want to talk about it anyways. So I had my APES (AP Environmental Science) Exam this morning at 8:00 am. I think it went fine. But right after, I didn't have to go back to school. We finished around noon. I had to work from 4-6 today, but I honestly didn't feel like going all. So I put my work on the trade board hoping someone would pick it up. Since no one did, I picked up an empty 2-4 shift. So I went from planning to work nothing to going in from 2-6. But I was working with one of my favorite supervisors, Amy, so it was all good. So throughout the whole day today, it's been raining and we've been hearing tornado warning and flood warnings. When my sister picked me up to go home, the sun was setting and the sky was the most beautiful thing ever. 

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