Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Exam and MAG Classes

Today has been such a looong day for me. I had my AP Lit exam in the early morning. I think it went fine. We don't get our results until July or something, so there's still time to hear back. But any ways, so like on Monday, this exam was also from around 8:00 am- 12:00 pm. We were all excused to go home right after, except I couldn't because I was supposed to be at the MAG from 1:00pm -9:00 pm for my classes. But before that, I had to quickly get to school, give Mrs. Elisa some potential pieces for the art show and get to the MAG. You do not know how bad I wanted to sleep. But I pushed through until the clock struck 9:00 pm. Jeanne's class went great as usual. I worked a little on the botanical piece I started in Jeanne's class. It's slowly getting there. I handed my pieces in during our class. I gave them to Lisa, who is one of Alice's students, but also does a lot of the behind the scenes work with Alice. My pieces still need to be wired for the show. So, I'll probably grab them from the store tomorrow and stop by the gallery while they're organizing everything for the show. 

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