Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Last Class Cancelled?

So because of this wonderful weather we've been having in NY, my last class with Larry has been cancelled :( BUT... It's also been rescheduled :) So our final class is next Tuesday. I'm glad we're still having it. The Spring catalog for the MAG Creative Workshop has been posted. There are so many great classes that include ones that will be taught by Cynthia and Larry. The problem is that most of them interfere with my school time. There is also one being taught by Jeanne Lindsay! I couldn't believe my eyes. She's taught watercolor at the creative workshop since 1984. She's an awesome artist! And, she does botanical pieces. Still life and botanical work was what I was primarily interested in when it comes to watercolor. Like it can't get any better.

But, her class is being taught during my school hours. I'm going to try to see if there's anyway I can work that out. 

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