Sunday, April 30, 2017

Last Minute Piece FAIL :(

My piece for the art competition was due today and the office closed around 5:00. I didn't make it. I was working on it literally until the last minute since I just started it last night. I got the idea at school yesterday on Friday to use one of my drawings I previously completed in my art class. I made a "zentangle" inspire by the Moroccan zellige tile design. I printed the pieces while I was at work yesterday. I("I" as in my sister haha) got the foam core. I started piecing it together and got to the mto the MAG, but I missed it. I guess they closed before 5:00. I did leave them a message and told them if it would be possible to turn it in past the 29th. At least now, I'll have time to get a frame if by any chance they do let me give it in.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Art Contest Update

So I've been working on drawing this piece. I don't think I'm turning this one in anymore. Last minute change of plans, but I don't think I'll paint it in time. So I'm going to take my time with this one and think of something else for the competition. 

Saturday, April 22, 2017

WIld Rose

I've been practicing my signature. I'm definitely getting a lot better at doing it!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Congressional Art Competition Update

So chose to paint one of my photographs I took in Casablanca. I think it's such a beautiful picture and I don't think I'll do too bad with the drawing part, but we'll have to see about painting it. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

WIld Rose

Alice taught me how to sign my name is Chinese calligraphy. When it comes to having a signature, people can choose something that represent them. I decided to go with the meaning of my name, which is wild rose in Kurdish/Persian. She signed this one, it's so beautiful.

Painting with Nadia

My little cousin came over this week. Our spring break is next week but she lives in Virgina and hers was this week. So my uncles is very artistic. He works a lot with oil paintings and he's painted some AMAZING realistic pieces. So the art gene definitely run down the blood line. But his daughter is also into art. So I decided to have a little hang out day with her and we of course went for the water color. We chose to paint a cherry blossom inspired tree. I love hers!! It's so cute! She said mine looked like a dream haha. But hers to me honestly looks out of this world. Such a talented little girl! 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Congressional High School Art Competition

Each spring, the Congressional Institute sponsors a nationwide high school visual art competition to recognize and encourage artistic talent in the nation and in each congressional district. Since the Artistic Discovery competition began in 1982, more than 650,000 high school students have participated.
Students submit entries to their representative’s office, and panels of district artists select the winning entries. Winners are recognized both in their district and at an annual awards ceremony in Washington, DC. The winning works are displayed for one year at the U.S. Capitol. (

"Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, co-chair of the bipartisan Congressional Arts Caucus, announced today that works of art are now being accepted for the 2017 Congressional Arts Competition. High school students who reside in or attend school in New York 25 are encouraged to submit their artwork to the Memorial Art Gallery by April 29, 2017. The winning student’s artwork will be displayed for one year in the U.S. Capitol." (

So Rachel told me about an art competition she wants me to enter.. and win haha. That's exactly what she told me haha. No pressure. My water color skills aren't all that so I'm going to start planning from now.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

First Day of Classes!

I had my first classes with Jeanne and Alice today. I loved both classes! I left school around 1:00 and got the MAG in time for my class around 1:15. Jeanne is so wonderful! I love her. She's been teaching at the MAG for a really long time so a lot of the students who were in that class have been in her class for so long. So this class was a little different than Larry's beginners class. This one is more do your own thing and Jeanne goes around to everyone throughout the class time and gives them a brief one on one with whatever they're with. Since I didn't come today to start a new piece, I just touched up on a couple of old ones. The Asian Brush Painting class was also a lot of fun. Alice is so sweet. Joe (drawing teacher in the Fall) is also taking that class. When I thought this form of art was similar to watercolor, I was wrong. I learned that this form of art is really all about the movement and energy you put into the piece. I have a looong way to get the grasp of if haha. But it was still fun. We learned how to write fish in Chinese calligraphy and paint some fish.