Saturday, December 24, 2016

First Painting Ever!!

I just recently came across a painting of mine I completed in my 9th grade year. It was my the first painting I've ever done and it came out surprisingly nice. I was assigned to create a postcard in my Spanish class. And knowing me, I wasn't going to come to class with a little photo with writing on the back, so I got a large poster like paper and started painting. I decided to use the medium I was most comfortable with at the time which was acrylic paint. I watched a video on how to paint a beach and within two hours, I was done with the finished piece. It's still hanging in my Spanish teachers room. The only question I have since that experience is why I never painting something again. Lack of motivation maybe. I'm just glad I'm back doing it again!

*I took these photos around 4 years ago, so I apologize for the low quality!

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