Saturday, December 24, 2016

First Painting Ever!!

I just recently came across a painting of mine I completed in my 9th grade year. It was my the first painting I've ever done and it came out surprisingly nice. I was assigned to create a postcard in my Spanish class. And knowing me, I wasn't going to come to class with a little photo with writing on the back, so I got a large poster like paper and started painting. I decided to use the medium I was most comfortable with at the time which was acrylic paint. I watched a video on how to paint a beach and within two hours, I was done with the finished piece. It's still hanging in my Spanish teachers room. The only question I have since that experience is why I never painting something again. Lack of motivation maybe. I'm just glad I'm back doing it again!

*I took these photos around 4 years ago, so I apologize for the low quality!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Prisma App

My work supervisor at Rush Rhees showed me this really cool app called Prisma. It's basically a photo editor that has really awesome "artistic" filters. It's so addicting! You can have the most basic photo ever and turn it into an awesome piece with literally one click. I'll show you guys how some of the filters came out on the drawing of the lamp I did earlier this month.








Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Picasso Art Gallery

So just this past week, Mrs. Elisa took a bunch of School Without Walls students to the Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, NY. We saw many of Picasso's art pieces and these were some of the ones I liked. 

I completed an art piece in my watercolor class with Cynthia that I just realized I never shared with you all. The reason I remembered it was because it gave me a little Picasso vibes. It is a still life of draped fabric that I hated when I originally painted it. I appreciate it more now after visiting the Art Gallery. 

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Watercolor FAILS

I finished my class with Cynthia Iannaccone- such an awesome teacher! I've updated you all on the fairly nice work I've done over the course, but what I've neglected to do was expose the ugly side lol. So in dedication to me completing my first ever watercolor class, here are my watercolor fails:

I call them fails mostly because they aren't completed. But they aren't completed because I lost hope in them lol. The thing I struggle with is judging my pieces before they're even done, which is horrible because then I don't get them done. I do still believe that these do have potential in looking decent, so when they're finished, I will definitely update you on them. Stay tuned!

Watercolor and Charcoal/Pencil Value Scales

While taking a watercolor class and a drawing class during the same time, I was able to make comparisons with the two. For example, I completed a value scale for each class. With water colors, in order to make the color lighter, you just use more water. With drawing, you either use a lighter pencil or a light hand on the paper (less pressure)

Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Memorial Art Gallery Creative Workshop

One of my pieces are in the 2016 student adult show at the Creative Workshop in the Memorial Art Gallery. There were so many awesome pieces turned in by other student participants, so if you're local, definitely check it out. The tag reads:

Nasreen Jaff 
Empty Pitcher
Watercolor on paper
Beginning Watercolor
taught by Cynthia Iannaccone